Online Yoga Classes

It's as good as in person!

Yoga Therapy Class for Your Health Needs

1 Private Session – $110

3 Private Sessions – $305

6 Private Sessions – $620

10 Private Sessions – $1,040

Let me be your guide into the vast world of yoga therapy – a multidimensional approach to well-being – and empower you to progress toward the improved health and well-being to achieve your unique health goals. I’ve been trained and have a vast experience of working both clinically and privately with such conditions as heart disease, arthritis and other autoimmune conditions, osteoporosis, and many others. From the moment we start working together, I am here with you towards your journey to feeling amazing. My yoga therapy programs provide you with one-on-one attention by designing a program according to your unique health needs, mind-body type, and personal preferences. Together we will work on deepening and progressing your practice, and empowering the healing process if needed.

Each 10-session package includes one complimentary 1-hour long Health Coaching consultation and Ayurvedic assessment with lifestyle and nutrition recommendations. Ayurveda is a science of long and healthy life that balances your body by individualized lifestyle prescriptions. 


Yoga Therapy for Healthy Pregnancy

1 Private Session – $110

3 Private Sessions – $310

6 Private Sessions – $620

10 Private Sessions – $1,040

My Prenatal Yoga Therapy program has all you need to support your body and mind during all stages of your pregnancy. Some of the benefits of practicing prenatal yoga include increased strength, flexibility, and endurance; decreased lower back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as improved sleep and overall comfort. Also it has been proven by research that yoga is a powerful stress-reduction tool, and therefore is one of the most effective immune and mood boosters. After the initial assessment I will create sessions that are tailored to your individual health needs modifying postures and sequences to serve your and your baby’s well-being in the most nourishing and gentle way. I’ve been trained in various styles of prenatal yoga to choose from including prenatal vinyasa flow and fundamentals, restorative and partner yoga, breathing for labor, as well as prenatal meditation, visualization, sounding/chanting, and yoga nidra. Pregnancy can be the best time to try yoga for the first time, and I will be delighted to introduce you to this vast and multidimensional practice. 

Each 10-session package includes one complimentary 1-hour long Health Coaching consultation and Ayurvedic assessment with lifestyle and nutrition recommendations. Ayurveda is a science of long and healthy life that balances your body by individualized lifestyle prescriptions. 


Yoga Therapy for Postpartum Recovery

1 Private Session – $110

3 Private Sessions – $310

6 Private Sessions – $620

10 Private Sessions – $1,040

My Postnatal Yoga Therapy Program is designed to nourish, strengthen and energize your body and mind after the childbirth taking in mind all the physiological and psychological changes that accompany this new and exciting stage of life. We will focus on safely toning your deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, stretching the areas that are prone to developing tension and misalignment such as lower and upper back, shoulders, and hips, and balancing your nervous system and hormones. Through the sessions, you will feel more relaxed, calm, and grounded. 

Each 10-session package includes one complimentary 1-hour long Health Coaching consultation and Ayurvedic assessment with lifestyle and nutrition recommendations to benefit new moms, babies, and the whole family. Ayurveda is a science of long and healthy life that balances your body by individualized lifestyle prescriptions. 


Yoga Therapy for Optimal Fertility

1 Private Session – $110

3 Private Sessions – $310

6 Private Sessions – $620

10 Private Sessions – $1,040

My Optimal Fertility Program is designed to support you in maximizing your health and fertility on your journey towards conception. Together we will make sure that your body, mind, hormonal and nervous systems are nourished and balanced through appropriate movement, breathing, specific meditation, deep relaxation, and visualization techniques. Through the sessions you will learn how to release physical, mental, and emotional tension, how to get attuned to your body, and to create space for the new experiences within you. We will also discuss lifestyle tips and learn about the most nutrient-dense foods that both modern nutritional science and traditional Ayurvedic medicine recommend to a woman on her way to becoming a mother.   

Each 10-session package includes one complimentary 1-hour long Health Coaching consultation and Ayurvedic assessment with lifestyle and nutrition recommendations. Ayurveda is a science of long and healthy life that balances your body by individualized lifestyle prescriptions. 


Yoga Therapy for Weight Management

1 Private Session – $110

3 Private Sessions – $310

6 Private Sessions – $620

10 Private Sessions – $1,040

My Weight Management program is uniquely designed to help you achieve an increased level of fitness, shed pounds quickly and safely, while also improving current health challenges that are keeping you from feeling and looking your best. We will focus on toning and strengthening your body, improving your flexibility and endurance, and freeing your body from any accumulated tension and stress. We will also use specific techniques to support detoxification processes and create an optimal mindset for your journey to health. I will make sure you get in shape, stay in shape, and have fun while doing it. After each session we will have a brief lifestyle consultation to make sure we address your diet, habits, and any questions that might arise.  

Each 10-session package includes one complimentary 1-hour long Health Coaching consultation and Ayurvedic assessment with lifestyle and nutrition recommendations. Ayurveda is a science of long and healthy life that balances your body by individualized lifestyle prescriptions. 


What is a Yoga Therapy?

– Although all yoga is potentially therapeutic, yoga therapy is the specific application of yogic tools (postures/exercises/sequences, breathwork, meditation techniques, etc) to address an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional needs.

– Yoga Therapy certification requires about 1000 hours in professional training including clinical setting practicals, equipping a yoga therapy teacher with immense resources of skills and techniques to serve a client with specific needs and health challenges. Irina completed her clinical practicals in Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC (Cardiac health) and Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC (Autoimmune disease).

– “The yogic model of health is unique because it addresses every aspect of life rather than considering each body part of system separately. Yoga therapy is a safe way of working with a natural capacity of your body and mind to optimize well-being.” – The International Association of Yoga Therapists.